Al Batin Scaffolding, Saudi Arabia
Al - BATIN ADVANCED CONTRACTING COMPANY LTD based in Al jubail, Saudi Arabia is a fully
comprehensive access provider furnishing our client base with the best collaboration of solutions to
bring projects in on time and budget. AL-BATIN favour large bespoke projects which are treated as
"individual business units". The unique approach pairs a senior manager with a full time designated
project team consisting of secretarial, design, field and management
Al - BATIN ADVANCED CONTRACTING COMPANY LTD based in Al jubail, Saudi Arabia is a fully
comprehensive access provider furnishing our client base with the best collaboration of solutions to
bring projects in on time and budget. AL-BATIN favour large bespoke projects which are treated as
"individual business units". The unique approach pairs a senior manager with a full time designated
project team consisting of secretarial, design, field and management backup.
AL-BATIN was founded in 2012 and since that time the company has grown in the breadth of its
operations and its capacity to undertake large scale and challenging complexity projects. The
sustained growth of the company has been largely funded from its profits being reinvested. The
management team at AL-BATIN have been and will always be committed to its continued growth an
success. The company's track record points to a founding vision - offering highest levels of service
in the industry, incorporating the most modern and innovative advances in technology backed up
with demanding requirements of professional expertise in the workforce.
The guiding principle inherent in AL-BATIN vision can be summed up simply. It is to ensure that
AL-BATIN clients receive the kind of service that meets and exceeds expectations.
This extends not only to the delivery of prime services, but also to the many facets of what the
company thinks of as 'total package' i.e concern for the wellbeing of our workers, consideration
of other contractors on site and AL-BATIN reputation as good corporate and social citizen.
The way AL-BATIN performs reflects on the acumen of the company's clients. Earning the trust
of clients and working partners remains as undiminished as the day business began and will continu to be the driving force of our growth.